Solutions for Facility Development

Your Real Estate Department - Outsourced.

Are you expanding your business or moving to a new location?

Are you too busy to time-manage the process but don't want to add staff?

In today's highly competitive economy, most businesses that are thinking about new facilities or major renovations are running so lean they don't have the time or people on staff with the experience and know-how to deliver a project quickly and on budget while mitigating risks and the impact to their existing operations.

Don't accept the expense of full-time real estate development and project management professionals on staff.

Contact CDM One

Consultation Phase

Vision and Project Definition, Financial Analysis, Site Investigation, Due Diligence, Financing Assistance

Development Phase

Project Concept, Design Management, Bid Management, Material and System Specification, Purchasing and Coordination of Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E), Commissioning, and System Operations.

Construction Phase

Contractor Oversight, Change Management, Pay Cycle Management, Risk Management, Closeout

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